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Optical filters
for machine vision

Schneider-Kreuznach Industrial Optical Filters Group

Filters tailored
to your project

Optical filters improve the performance and accuracy of optical systems by selectively transmitting, reflecting or blocking specific wavelengths or ranges of wavelengths. The filters are critical components in several high-precision applications, including machine vision, spectroscopy, and medical imaging such as fluorescence microscopy. 

Typically made of glass or plastic, optical filters are an integral part of many applications. Be it polarizing filters for life science applications or bandpass filters for biomedical applications, understanding the characteristics of the filters is essential: Dichroic filters, also known as interference filters, reflect unwanted wavelengths and transmit desired wavelengths, while absorptive filters absorb specific wavelengths. 

At Schneider-Kreuznach, we design and manufacture both the mechanics and the coating of our high-quality optical filters. This enables us to produce customized optical filters that meet your exact requirements and guarantee the highest quality standards.

Bandpass Filters

What is a bandpass filter?

A bandpass filter is an optical filter that blocks certain wavelengths or ranges of colors from incident light, allowing only certain ranges of the optical spectrum to pass.

Features of our bandpass filters

  • Average transmittance 95 % 
  • Steep slopes
  • Wavelength tolerance +/-  1 % 
  • Deep blocking / High optical density
Color Filter Status Wavelength range, 50%-50% Center wavelength Bandwidth Datasheet
Filter color BP 465-70 HT standard 430-500 nm 465 nm 70 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 490-180 HT on request 400-580 nm 490 nm 180 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 515-270 HT on request 380-650 nm 515 nm 270 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 520-280 HT on request 380-660 nm 520 nm 280 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 540-80 HT standard 495-580 nm 540 nm 80 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 540-300 HT standard 390-690 nm 540 nm 300 nm Datasheet
Filter color VIS-85 HT on request 420-640 / 830-870 nm 530 / 850 nm 220 / 40 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 575-170 HT standard 495-660 nm 575 nm 170 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 590-50 HT standard 565-615 nm 590 nm 50 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 590-200 HT on request 495-690 nm 590 nm 200 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 635-50 HT standard 610-660 nm 635 nm 50 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 640-100 HT on request 590-690 nm 640 nm 100 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 660-60 HT standard 630-690 nm 660 nm 60 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 680-100 HT on request 630-730 nm 680 nm 100 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 850-80 HT standard 810-890 nm 850 nm 80 nm Datasheet
Filter color BP 865-100 HT standard 815-915 nm 865 nm 100 nm Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 430-500 nm
Center wavelength: 465 nm
Bandwidth: 70 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 400-580 nm
Center wavelength: 490 nm
Bandwidth: 180 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 380-650 nm
Center wavelength: 515 nm
Bandwidth: 270 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 380-660 nm
Center wavelength: 520 nm
Bandwidth: 280 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 495-580 nm
Center wavelength: 540 nm
Bandwidth: 80 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 390-690 nm
Center wavelength: 540 nm
Bandwidth: 300 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 420-640 / 830-870 nm
Center wavelength: 530 / 850 nm
Bandwidth: 220 / 40 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 495-660 nm
Center wavelength: 575 nm
Bandwidth: 170 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 565-615 nm
Center wavelength: 590 nm
Bandwidth: 50 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 495-690 nm
Center wavelength: 590 nm
Bandwidth: 200 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 610-660 nm
Center wavelength: 635 nm
Bandwidth: 50 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 590-690 nm
Center wavelength: 640 nm
Bandwidth: 100 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 630-690 nm
Center wavelength: 660 nm
Bandwidth: 60 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 630-730 nm
Center wavelength: 680 nm
Bandwidth: 100 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 810-890 nm
Center wavelength: 850 nm
Bandwidth: 80 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 815-915 nm
Center wavelength: 865 nm
Bandwidth: 100 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet

Narrow Bandpass Filters

What is a narrow bandpass filter?

A narrowband filter is an interference filter that filters out only a very narrow spectrum of wavelengths from incident light, blocking the rest of the optical spectrum.

Features of our narrow bandpass filters

  • Average transmittance 95 % 
  • Steep slopes
  • Wavelength tolerance +/-  3 nm
  • Deep blocking / High optical density
Color Filter Status Wavelength range, 50%-50% Center wavelength Bandwidth Datasheet
Filter color NBP 405-15 HT on request 398-412 nm 405 nm 15 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 450-40 HT standard 433-466 nm 450 nm 40 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 457-20 HT on request 447-467 nm 457 nm 10 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 488-20 HT on request 478-498 nm 488 nm 20 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 532-20 HT on request 522-542 nm 532 nm 20 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 635-20 HT standard 625-645 nm 635 nm 20 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 660-10 HT standard 655-665 nm 660 nm 10 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 810-45 HT on request 788-832 nm 810 nm 45 nm Datasheet
Filter color NBP 830-20 HT on request 820-840 nm 830 nm 20 nm Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: on request
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 398-412 nm
Center wavelength: 405 nm
Bandwidth: 15 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 433-466 nm
Center wavelength: 450 nm
Bandwidth: 40 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 447-467 nm
Center wavelength: 457 nm
Bandwidth: 10 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 478-498 nm
Center wavelength: 488 nm
Bandwidth: 20 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 522-542 nm
Center wavelength: 532 nm
Bandwidth: 20 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 625-645 nm
Center wavelength: 635 nm
Bandwidth: 20 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: standard
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 655-665 nm
Center wavelength: 660 nm
Bandwidth: 10 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 788-832 nm
Center wavelength: 810 nm
Bandwidth: 45 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Narrow Bandpass Filter
Status: on request
Wavelength range, 50%-50%: 820-840 nm
Center wavelength: 830 nm
Bandwidth: 20 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet

  Shortpass Filters

What is a shortpass filter?

A shortpass filter is an optical filter that passes only wavelengths below a certain cutoff wavelength and blocks longer wavelengths.

Features of our shortpass filters

  • Average transmittance 95 % 
  • Steep slopes
  • Wavelength tolerance +/-  1 % 
  •  Ultra-low reflection
  • Deep blocking / High optical density
Color Filter Status Order name Cut-off Wavelength, 50% Type Datasheet
Filter color SP 460 HT on request SP 460 HT 460 interference Datasheet
Filter color SP 515 HT on request SP 515 HT 515 interference Datasheet
Filter color SP 615 HT on request SP 615 HT 615 interference Datasheet
Filter color SP 700 E standard SP 700 E 700 absorption Datasheet
Filter color SP 730 HT on request SP 730 HT 730 interference Datasheet
Filter color SP 760 HT on request SP 760 HT 760 interference Datasheet
Filter color SP 790 HT on request SP 790 HT 790 interference Datasheet
Filter color SP 850 HT on request SP 850 HT 850 interference Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: SP 460 HT
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 460 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: SP 515 HT
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 515 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: SP 615 HT
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 615 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: SP 700 E
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 700 nm
Type: absorption
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: SP 730 HT
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 730 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: SP 760 HT
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 760 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: SP 790 HT
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 790 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: SP 850 HT
Cut-off Wavelength, 50%: 850 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet

Longpass Filters

What is a longpass filter?

A longpass filter is an optical filter that passes only wavelengths above a certain cutoff wavelength and blocks shorter wavelengths.

Features of our longpass filters

  • Average transmittance 95 % 
  • Steep slopes
  • Wavelength tolerance of interference filters +/- 1 %  
  • Ultra-low reflection
  • Deep blocking / High optical density
Color Filter Status Order name Cut-on Wavelength, 50% Type Datasheet
Filter color LP 365 E standard LP 365 E 365 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 400 HT on request LP 400 HT 400 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 430 HT standard LP 430 HT 430 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 460 HT on request LP 460 HT 460 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 495 HT on request LP 495 HT 495 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 515 HT on request LP 515 HT 515 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 530 HT on request LP 530 HT 530 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 565 HT on request LP 565 HT 565 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 590 HT on request LP 590 HT 590 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 600 E standard LP 600 E 600 nm absorption Datasheet
Filter color LP 610 HT on request LP 610 HT 610 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 625 E standard LP 625 E 625 nm absorption Datasheet
Filter color LP 630 HT on request LP 630 HT 630 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 695 standard LP 695 695 nm absorption Datasheet
Filter color LP 695 HT on request LP 695 HT 695 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 725 HT on request LP 725 HT 725 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 765 HT standard LP 765 HT 765 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 775 standard LP 775 775 nm absorption Datasheet
Filter color LP 780 HT on request LP 780 HT 780 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 820 HT standard LP 820 HT 820 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 825 standard LP 825 825 nm absorption Datasheet
Filter color LP 850 HT on request LP 850 HT 850 nm interference Datasheet
Filter color LP 900 HT standard LP 900 HT 900 nm interference Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 365 E
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 365 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 400 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 400 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 430 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 430 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 460 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 460 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 495 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 495 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 515 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 515 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 530 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 530 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 565 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 565 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 590 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 590 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 600 E
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 600 nm
Type: absorption
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 610 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 610 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 625 E
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 625 nm
Type: absorption
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 630 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 630 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 695
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 695 nm
Type: absorption
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 695 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 695 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 725 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 725 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 765 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 765 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 775
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 775 nm
Type: absorption
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 780 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 780 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 820 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 820 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 825
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 825 nm
Type: absorption
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: on request
Order name: LP 850 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 850 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 900 HT
Cut-on Wavelength, 50%: 900 nm
Type: interference
Datasheet: Datasheet

Neutral Density Filters

What is a neutral density filter?

A neutral density filter, or gray filter, is an optical filter that uniformly reduces the intensity of light without affecting image quality.

Features of our neutral density filters

  • Insensitive to angle of incidence

  • Decrease brightness without changing

  • DoFStackable, combine ND-filters to achieve OD

  • Even attenuate avoid effects on color balance

Color Filter Status Order name Optical Density Transmission Average [%] Datasheet
Filter color ND 0.6 standard 802 0.6 25.0 Datasheet
Filter color ND 0.9 standard 803 0.9 12.5 Datasheet
Filter color ND 1.8 standard 806 1.8 1.6 Datasheet
Filter color ND 3.0 standard 810 3.0 0.1 Datasheet
Filter color ND 102 on request 102 E 0.6 25.0 Datasheet
Filter color ND 103 on request 103 E 0.9 12.5 Datasheet
Filter color ND 106 on request 106 1.8 1.6 Datasheet
Filter color ND 110 on request 110 3.0 0.15 Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: standard
Order name: 802
Optical Density: 0.6
Transmission Average [%]: 25.0
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: standard
Order name: 803
Optical Density: 0.9
Transmission Average [%]: 12.5
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: standard
Order name: 806
Optical Density: 1.8
Transmission Average [%]: 1.6
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: standard
Order name: 810
Optical Density: 3.0
Transmission Average [%]: 0.1
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: on request
Order name: 102 E
Optical Density: 0.6
Transmission Average [%]: 25.0
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: on request
Order name: 103 E
Optical Density: 0.9
Transmission Average [%]: 12.5
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: on request
Order name: 106 E
Optical Density: 1.8
Transmission Average [%]: 1.6
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Neutral density filter
Status: on request
Order name: 110 E
Optical Density: 3.0
Transmission Average [%]: 0.15
Datasheet: Datasheet

Polarizer Filters

What is a polarizer filter?

A polarizing filter is an optical filter that selectively blocks or passes light waves based on their plane of vibration, allowing only light with a specific polarization direction to pass while other polarization directions are blocked.

Features of our polarizer filters

  • Reduce reflections

  • Increase contrast

  • High extinction ratio

  • Pre-cut custom shapes for polarizing films on request    

Color Filter Status Order name Extinction ratio Thickness Wavelength Datasheet
Filter color Linear polarizing glass standard AUF >10,000:1 2.7 mm 420-750 nm Datasheet
Filter color Linear polarizing glass standard AUF MRC >10,000:1 2.7 mm 420-750 nm Datasheet
Filter color Linear polarizing film standard IFK P-W 76 0.3 >10,000:1 0.3 mm 430-780 nm Datasheet
Filter color Linear polarizing film standard IFK P-W 64 0.4 >40,000:1 0.4 mm 430-780 nm Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Polarizer filter
Status: standard
Order name: AUF
Extinction ratio: >10,000:1
Thickness: 2.7 mm
Wavelength: 420-750 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Polarizer filter
Status: standard
Order name: AUF MRC
Extinction ratio: >10,000:1
Thickness: 2.7 mm
Wavelength: 420-750 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Polarizer filter
Status: standard
Order name: IFK P-W 76 0.3
Extinction ratio: >10,000:1
Thickness: 0.3 mm
Wavelength: 430-780 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Polarizer filter
Status: standard
Order name: IFK P-W 64 0.4
Extinction ratio: >40,000:1
Thickness: 0.4 mm
Wavelength: 430-780 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet

Color Filters

What is a color filter?

A color filter is an optical absorption filter that absorbs certain colors of light, allowing only selected colors to pass.

Features of our color filters

  • Insensitive to angle of incidence

  • Large CA, absence of vignetting

  • Improve Contrast 

  • Isolate Colors

Color Filter Status Order name Cut-on Wavelength Color Filter type Datasheet
Filter color LP 600 E standard LP 600 E 600 nm Light Red Longpass Datasheet
Filter color LP 625 E standard LP 625 E 625 nm Red Longpass Datasheet
Filter color LP 695 standard LP 695 695 nm Red Longpass Datasheet
Filter color LP 775 standard LP 775 775 nm IR Pass Longpass Datasheet
Filter color LP 825 standard LP 825 825 nm IR Pass Longpass Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 600 E
Cut-on Wavelength: 600 nm
Color: Light Red
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 625 E
Cut-on Wavelength: 625 nm
Color: Red
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 695
Cut-on Wavelength: 695 nm
Color: Red
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order name: LP 775
Cut-on Wavelength: 775 nm
Color: IR Pass
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color: Filter color
Status: standard
Order name: LP 825
Cut-on Wavelength: 825 nm
Color: IR Pass
Datasheet: Datasheet

UV-Cut Filters & IR-Cut Filters

What are UV-Cut or IR-Cut filters?

A UV-blocking filter is an optical filter that blocks ultraviolet light and passes only visible light to reduce unwanted UV radiation, while an IR-blocking filter blocks infrared light and
passes only visible light to minimize unwanted infrared radiation, improving image quality in optical applications such as cameras or optical sensors.

Features of our UV-Cut or IR-Cut filters

  • High transmission

  •  High reproducibility

  • Cost effective protection of sensitive units

Color Filter Status Order name Description Filter Type Datasheet
Filter color LP 365 E standard LP 365 E UV-Cut Longpass Datasheet
Filter color BP 540-300 HT standard BP 540-300 HT UV/IR-Cut Bandpass Datasheet
Filter color SP 700 E standard SP 700 E IR-Cut Shortpass Datasheet
Filter color BP 515-270 HT on request BP 515-270 HT UV/IR-Cut Bandpass Datasheet
Filter color BP 520-280 HT on request BP 520-280 HT UV/IR-Cut Bandpass Datasheet
Filter color VIS-85 HT on request VIS-85 HT 420-640nm / 830-870 nm Bandpass Datasheet
Color:Filter Color
Type: Longpass filter
Status: standard
Order Name: LP 365 E
Description: UV-Cut
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color:Filter Color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: standard
Order Name: BP 540-300 HT
Description: UV/IR-Cut
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color:Filter Color
Type: Shortpass filter
Status: standard
Order Name: SP 700 E
Description: IR-Cut
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color:Filter Color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Order Name: BP 515-270 HT
Description: UV/IR-Cut
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color:Filter Color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Order Name: BP 520-280 HT
Description: UV/IR-Cut
Datasheet: Datasheet
Color:Filter Color
Type: Bandpass filter
Status: on request
Order Name: VIS-85 HT
Description: 420-640nm / 830-870 nm
Datasheet: Datasheet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are optical filters?

Optical filters are precision devices designed to selectively transmit or block specific wavelengths of light. They improve the performance of optical systems by allowing only desired wavelengths to pass while blocking unwanted light. This selective transmission is essential in a wide variety of scientific, medical, and industrial applications.

What are the advantages of Schneider-Kreuznach filters?

•    Reproducibility and Reliability: Rely on the consistent performance of our filters for precise results, even after years.
•    Optical precision: Highest flatness and minimal wavefront deformation guarantee images without loss of quality.
•    Wide selection: Choose from a variety of filter types and coatings to meet your specific needs.
•    Flexible sizes: Our filters are available in a variety of diameters to suit your applications.
•    Robust Mechanics: Rely on metal mounts for a durable and reliable filtration solution.
•    Highest reproducibility, reliability and excellent image quality.

What are optical filters used for?

Optical filters improve the performance and accuracy of optical systems in many different applications. In fluorescence microscopy optical filters isolate specific fluorescent signals, in spectroscopy optical filters analyze the spectral properties of substances, in medical imaging optical filters improve image contrast and clarity, and in machine vision systems optical filters leverage quality control and inspection processes.

Which filter types does Schneider-Kreuznach offer?

Schneider-Kreuznach offers several types of optical filters that are designed for specific applications:

  • Bandpass Filters
  • Narrow Bandpass Filters
  • Shortpass Filters
  • Longpass Filters
  • Neutral Density Filters
  • Polarizer Filters
  • Color Filters
  • UV-Cut Filters
  • IR-Cut Filters

How do optical filters work?

Optical filters feature materials and coatings with specific transmission and reflection properties. These materials are designed to either transmit certain wavelengths while blocking others or reflect certain wavelengths while transmitting the rest. The design of these filters is based on the principles of interference and absorption, which determine how different wavelengths interact with the filter material.

How do I clean optical filters?

Optical filters require careful handling to avoid damaging their delicate surfaces. Begin by using a soft air blower to remove loose dust and debris. Next, apply a small amount of lens cleaning solution to a lint-free cloth or lens tissue. Gently wipe the filter surface in a circular motion, starting from the center and moving outward. Avoid using excessive force or abrasive materials that may scratch or damage the filter coating.

Schneider-Kreuznach and B+W Filters

Schneider-Kreuznach is a leading manufacturer of optical filters for industrial applications. As the manufacturer of B+W filters, renowned among photographers worldwide, we bring decades of expertise in filter technology to a wide range of industries. Our filters are trusted for their precision, durability and performance in critical applications where optical clarity and reliability are essential. Whether you need standard filters or custom solutions tailored to your specific needs, Schneider-Kreuznach ensures high-quality optical filters that meet your requirements.

Technical terms of our optical filters

BP = Bandpass 

NBP= Narrow Bandpass 

SP = Shortpass 

LP = Longpass 

ND = Neutral Density 

IFK = Industry Filters Käsemann 

HT = High Transmission 

AUF = Polarizer 

E/MRC = "Einfach vergütet"/"Multi Resistant Coating"

Markets and Applications of optical Filters

Our optical filters for the industry are used in a wide range of markets and applications, from manufacturing to medical, logistics, inspection and aerospace. If you would like to learn more about the wide range of our optical filters, please visit the following pages to find out, for example, how the filters can impact on production processes or entire logistics chains.

Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)


Display and Electronics


Aerospace and Security


Exhibitions & Events

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